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Local representatives: an advantage or necessity?

Local representatives: an advantage or necessity?

Enhancing Road Control Compliance: The Power of Professional Mediation for Transport Companies Recent discussions indicate a growing focus on increasing road control measures for international transport companies, aiming to ensure stricter adherence to transportation rules and improved monitoring of trucks. While road controls are essential for regulatory compliance and market entry conditions, they often pose…

New Dutch penalties for violations

New Dutch penalties for violations

On March 24, 2023, the Dutch regulations on penalties for road transport violations  were updated. These changes pertain to penalties for violations of drivers’ working times and tachographs. The new regulations introduce several significant changes, including the classification of violations as serious, very serious, and most serious. For example, the provisions of the Regulation on…

Posting directive finally transposed in Italy

Posting directive finally transposed in Italy

The new Mobility Package (MP) rules regarding posting in road transport that came into force in 2022 have finally been introduced in Italy on March 21, 2023. The main changes are related to the obligations of carriers and drivers, the documents that must be carried on board, and the fines for non-compliance. In this article,…

Certificate A1 – obligation to verify the social situation of the foreign contractor in France

Certificate A1 – obligation to verify the social situation of the foreign contractor in France

Obligation of vigilance of the contracting party using a transport undertaking not established in France for a service with loading or unloading location in France. How is the requirement for A1 certificates defined by European legislation?  As explained in the Regulations No 883/2004 and 987/2009 on the coordination of the social security systems. Regulation No…

Belgium tested first remote controls of the tachographs

Belgium tested first remote controls of the tachographs

The SMART TACHOGRAPH ERA is rapidly advancing, not only in terms of the functionalities of the tachographs themselves but also in the control side of things. Recently, the Federal Highway Police in Belgium conducted a successful test of an antenna called DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications), which allows for remote control of the tachographs in…

Professional drivers’ age and EU digital driving licence 

Professional drivers’ age and EU digital driving licence 

European Commission wants to reduce professional drivers’ age and introduce EU digital driving licence. European Commission has recently presented proposals to modernise driving licence rules, including the introduction of a digital driving licence valid throughout the EU and new provisions to facilitate the enforcement of traffic rules across borders. The main aim of the proposed…

Ban on rest in the cabin

Ban on rest in the cabin

Ban on rest in the cabin – no changes so far, but the EC will soon clarify the European rules on this obligation. In connection with numerous complaints about the bad enforcement practices of the mentioned ban that the inspectors carry out inspections in the incorrect right way especially in France and Sweden. There are…

Weekly rest time road checks in France

Weekly rest time road checks in France

Since the beginning of 2022, it seems that less and less Polish carriers’ trucks and buses have been seen on the roads in France. Companies are getting fed up with irregular and illegal inspections in France. Have you been controlled in France for taking rest in the cab? Have you received a default judgment? Have…

European Commission work programme for 2023. What’s in it for road transport?

European Commission work programme for 2023. What’s in it for road transport?

In mid-October 2022, the European Commission presented its work programme for 2023, with an aim to successfully achieve climate neutrality by 2050, shape digital future, strengthen the unique social market economy, build a Union of prosperity and make Europe stronger in the world. The Commission work programme contains 43 new policy initiatives under six headline targets….

National French rules: drivers cannot spend their rest time in the light commercial vehicles

National French rules: drivers cannot spend their rest time in the light commercial vehicles

Few years ago, the French authorities have adopted new regulations under Decree n°2019 -1428 of December 24, 2019, which impose an obligation to provide an accommodation outside the vehicle for daily and weekly rest periods on transport operators carried out by light commercial vehicles (below 3,5t). In this context, the regular weekly rests or daily…