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Carbon pricing in road transport sector from 2027

Carbon pricing in road transport sector from 2027

An agreement reached by EU negotiators to introduce carbon pricing in road transport sector from 2027. On Saturday night, December 18 2022, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement, Social Climate Fund (SCF) to benefit vulnerable households, micro-enterprises and transport users that are particularly affected by energy and transport poverty. Following marathon negotiations, EU legislators…

European Commission is clarifying rules referred to the ban on rest time in the cabin

European Commission is clarifying rules referred to the ban on rest time in the cabin

The European Commission has been informed on several occasions that, some national authorities were requiring drivers to provide evidence, such as hotel bills, to prove that they spent their regular weekly rest in adequate accommodation outside the vehicle. In this context, the European Commission has published a new part of explanation regarding the regular weekly…

Posting scenarios explained: unladen journeys

Posting scenarios explained: unladen journeys

New posting rules, established by the lex specialis Directive 2020/1057, lay down specific rules on posting in the transport sector (Unladen journeys). It distinguishes between types of transport operations to which rules on posting should apply and those not covered by posting regime. As explained in the Questions and Answers on posting of drivers under…

Posting scenarios explained: cabotage operations

Posting scenarios explained: cabotage operations

The lex specialis Directive 2020/1057 lays down specific rules on posting in the transport sector. It distinguishes between types of transport operations (cabotage operations) to which rules on posting should apply and those not covered by posting regime. As explained in the Questions and Answers on posting of drivers under Directive (EU) 2020/1057 in the…

Is “Macron’ Law” still applicable in France?

Is “Macron’ Law” still applicable in France?

Massive communication about new posting rules coming from the Directive 2020/1057 caused a consequence that transport companies misunderstood the total frame of all posting rules in Europe and did not pay an attention to still applicable local rules as, for example, the French “Macron Law” which is still applicable even for the bilateral operations if the transport…

How many penalty’ points may a truck driver get in Germany?

How many penalty’ points may a truck driver get in Germany?

International trucking companies and its truck drivers maintain the transportation of goods throughout Europe, but in conducting this business they must comply with many European regulations in order to be compliant. Any driver (German or non-German) has to comply according to the posting rules and penalty points on their driving licence. Therefore, any driver committing faults in…

The Transport and Tourism Committee approved two separate EU road agreements with Ukraine and Moldova

The Transport and Tourism Committee approved two separate EU road agreements with Ukraine and Moldova

The new EU road agreements with Ukraine and Moldova would replace existing bilateral transport agreements with EU countries and temporarily facilitate road freight transport, allowing Ukrainian, Moldovan and EU hauliers to transit through and operate between each other’s territories, without the need for related permits. The two deals are part of the EU’s response to…

New posting rules will apply to Norway as of 1st of November 2022

New posting rules will apply to Norway as of 1st of November 2022

In June 2022, the Norwegian government announced changes to transport regulations to implement the Mobility Package regulations. It is now known that the new rules will take effect for road freight transport as of 1st of November 2022. The new posting rules resulting from the Mobility Package, concern driving and rest times for drivers, the use of…

Posting scenarios explained: cross-trade operations

Posting scenarios explained: cross-trade operations

The lex specialis Directive 2020/1057 lays down specific rules on posting in the transport sector. It distinguishes between types of transport operations to which rules on posting should apply and those not covered by posting regime. As explained in the Questions and Answers on posting of drivers under Directive (EU) 2020/1057 in the context of…

Fuel shortage: exemptions on heavy vehicle traffic extended

Fuel shortage: exemptions on heavy vehicle traffic extended

Faced with the difficulties of the strike in France, European road carriers are indispensable: to facilitate fuel deliveries and our supplies, France have extended the exceptional measures allowing them to circulate more weekend and in the coming days. The government renews the traffic authorization for trucks over 7.5 t transporting hydrocarbons, from October 14 to…