18 EU Member States in ELA inspections

More than half of the EU Member States have participated in ELA inspections

ELA announced that last week they coordinated several joint inspections in road transport with participation of authorities from EU Member States. In general, more than half of the EU Member States, 18 EU Member States already participated in these joint inspections with a goal to escalate this practice as a permanent throughout the whole European Union.

European Labour Authority states that countries that currently expressed the wish to participate in the organized inspections were: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, France, Denmark, Ireland, Malta.

During such inspections the authorities verify the application of the Mobility Package and the lex-specialis concerning posting of drivers as well as the compliance with the general rules on driving times and resting periods, the use of the tachograph, maximum load, violations against rules on wages and working time.

ELA participation purpose is to provide support and assistance in preparation and coordination of inspections and follow up actions., such as translation of case specific documentation or communication material as well as communication and exchange of information between Authorities, organization of joint preparatory, operational and follow up meetings and financial support (reimburses interpretation, accommodation, travel expenses incurred due to cross border actions, etc.)

!!! It should be noticed that, during the inspection, the authorities should provide a translation to the transport company and the driver, to explain the situation and the request.

Typically, these inspections are organized, coordinated and executed by the European Labour Authority (ELA), Roadpol and labour inspectorates of the Participating Member States in a cooperation with Road Traffic Authorities. Inspections also involve ELA National Liaison Officers (ELA) seconded from each EU Member State to assist with coordination and facilitate cross-border activities.

The European Labour Authority will publish results from the inspections in the coming week.

ELA’s Training
European Labour Authority (ELA)

Details of the inspections:

  • Belgium, in Zeebrugge, with participation of Bulgarian authorities.

  • Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad region, with participation of authorities from Croatia, Greece and Latvia

  • Croatia, Zagreb region, with participation of authorities from Estonia, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia and Spain

  • Italy, Vicenza, with participation of Slovenia

  • Netherlands, Zwolle region, with participants from Romanian and Lithuanian authorities

  • Lithuania, Klaipeda, with participants from Spanish, Lithuanian, Slovak and Polish authorities

  • France, Bordeaux area and another one in Dijon area, with participants from Slovenia and Denmark.

  • Spain, Madrid metropolitan area, with participants from authorities of Ireland and Malta.

In addition, many countries have conducted internal inspections during the week of action. Those countries are:

    • Greece

    • Cyprus

    • Malta

    • Ireland

We will keep in touch for the results and other upcoming inspections in the coming weeks.

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